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Writer's pictureNoelle LeBlanc

Intimacy & The Power of Three

Let me ask you this: Have you ever heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know?"   In other words, the power of networking, which many would argue is the foundation to professional or career success, the very key that unlocks the doors to new opportunities, which in turn leads to personal growth.  


Jim Rohn, a trailblazer in the motivational speaking world, says- “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Now, I don’t know if that’s frightening to you or not but, it’s a sentiment that says to should surround yourself with people who inspire, challenge, uplift, and motivate you! 


I would agree. However, I believe what's more important is what I call "the intimacy of the power of three."  To "network," if you will, with the right connections with the ultimate power players- again, it's not what you know- it's who you know! 


I was blessed this week to be asked to shadow as a facilitator with a ministry here in Hawaii called Freedom Advance International. It's a ministry that focuses on personal transformation by developing a deeper and more intimate relationship with God and teaching others not only how to close the door to strongholds, lies, trauma, and negative generational patterns but also teaching how to enter into an authentic relationship with the “the big three” the Trinity where unconditional love, unity, acceptance, and grace abounds!


So, today, I want to share just a little piece of the process- the importance of understanding and networking with the Trinity- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. 


But, first, I want to address something important – the one thing that will keep you from success – the one thing that will hinder you from unlocking your truth and freedom.  And that one thing is our enemy, Satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy.   The enemy knows that what you believe about yourself dictates how you think, feel, act, respond, and, ultimately, who you become. That's why Satan will focus his attacks on what you believe about yourself. That’s why we are our own worst critics! 

How do we know this? All we have to do is look in the Gospel of Mark, where we see Jesus getting ready to enter His ministry when John the Baptist baptizes him. Scripture tells us at the moment of his baptism, “A voice came from heaven, saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased" (Mark 1:11). Immediately afterwards, Jesus is led by the spirit into the wilderness for 40 days, where He is confronted by the devil.


And what did Satan test Jesus on first? His identity!


As you may recall, Satan challenges Jesus-


“IF you are the son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”


“IF you are the son of God, throw yourself down, and God will send his angels to lift you.”  


What's interesting, did you catch the one thing Satan left out?  


Yeah- the word “beloved.”


Of course, he isn’t going to remind Jesus of what Father God really said- that He is beloved!  


If Satan is going to try to deceive Jesus by questioning his identity and omitting what Father God had to say about him-  how much more will he do the same with us?!


Jesus confidentially knew His identity, He knew what Father God had to say and He combatted Satan's lies with God's truth, and we need to do the same! 


But to do so, we need knowledge.  


Knowledge on –

1)   Our design- that we are made in God’s image and we are a triune being- made up of a body, soul, and spirit;

2)   The Trinity- who God really is and how the members of the Trinity connect with us; and

3)   Our identity- What does God say about us? 


Let’s dive in….


First, we are a being made up of three parts. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 tells us we are a spirit being with a soul that lives within a fleshly body. 


I've struggled with this concept in the past, having trouble distinguishing between "soul" and "spirit."  Misunderstanding that they are not the same thing!  


What helped me was picturing a diagram of a circle, much like a dartboard, that contained three rings. The outer ring represents your fleshly body, then within that body, the next ring represents your soul (which is divided into three sections: your mind, your emotions, and your will), and the very center, or the bullseye, is your spirit. The very hear our eternal spirit. This is also where the Holy Spirit dwells for those who believe in Jesus the Messiah.


Here’s a fundamental truth- we were designed to live by the spirit – to be directed and led by the spirit. The spirit should be what influences everything! It’s the command center where we are intended to drive from- from the inside of that circle out, meaning that the spirit should influence the soul, which influences the body and, ultimately, the world. Sadly, most of us live strictly within our souls, and we allow our souls to rule everything. It’s like our soul has highjacked our lives- being the loudest and most influential voice. Our thoughts and emotions are ruling us! So, it's no surprise that it's the soul that our enemy attacks the hardest. I mean, think about how outside powers so easily influence our minds & emotions.  


Here's what's so fascinating: God designed us in His image, yes; but He also designed us for His triune nature to connect with our triune nature.  


Dianne Tarring, author of the Freedom Advance handbook, shares that-


“Because we were created in the image and likeness of the Trinity, we need the relationship of the Trinity to live in the fullness of our identity, potential, and purpose. Intimacy is at the heart of our identity and spiritual authority. We cannot walk in our identity without a clear and accurate perception of who God is and who he has created us to be.  


Each member of the Trinity plays a significant role in our lives:


The primary role that Father God plays in our lives is to impart identity, value, purpose, provision, and protection. This is also the role that God had intended our earthly fathers to play in our lives. The primary role of Holy Spirit is to comfort, nurture, teach, convict of sin, and guide us to truth. This is also the role that God had intended our earthly mother to play in our lives.


And of course, Jesus is Lord and Savior- he is also bridegroom, brother and friend, embracing us with belonging, acceptance, forgiveness and grace. This is the role God had intended for our peers (spouses, siblings, and friends) to play.”


Diane asserts that  “our entire being has the need to be rooted and grounded in God's love."  According to His design, each of our three parts correlates to a need connected to the Trinity.   


Thus, our body needs Father God, who provides identity, value, protection, provision, and purpose—our Father figure.


Our spirit needs the Holy Spirit, who provides comfort, nurturing, teaching, guidance, and wisdom—our mother figure.


And our soul needs Jesus who provides love, companionship, communication, belonging, acceptance, and grace. Our brother- our friend! 


Do you see how we were designed to be in perfect symmetry with the Trinity? We were designed for community and fellowship—designed for all of our needs to be fulfilled in our Creator!   


Remember what I said earlier- how Satan loves to twist the truth and distort our identity?    Well, I can tell you He was successful for many years as I didn't understand how I was designed. I didn't fully appreciate how each person of the Trinity was different and offered different things.   I lumped them all together, and I allowed past experiences to project negative character traits onto God. Past experiences that distorted the father and mother figures! Honestly, I was only comfortable with Jesus because He was my Savior and hero. It was so much easier to talk with Him. Father God was distant and was scary, and the Holy Spirit was a foreign concept to me.   


I had believed so many lies—like I needed God's approval, which was conditional on my behavior and performance. I thought that God was distant and unobtainable. I believed I couldn’t hear, feel, or experience His presence. 


ALL LIES!!!!   


The truth is “God’s love and grace are unconditional and given freely to all.” (Romans 3:24)


The truth is "God is always with me and eager to be with me. I am His desire, and His delight is in me." (Heb 13:5, Jer. 31:20, Ez. 34:11-16)


I had the book knowledge but, what was missing was the intimacy piece- the piece of the puzzle that connected God to my heart!  


Ladies, the truth is that absolutely everything in our lives should revolve around and depend upon our relationship with the FULL TRINITY!!    


The key word is RELATIONSHIP, and in any good relationship, there has to be intimacy built on community and communication. To say it simply, "You have to spend quality time together and talk!" 


When was the last time you spent time with the Lord and asked Him what He had to say about you?  


“Jesus, what do you like about me?”


"Father God, do you love me? How much? Why do you love me?"


“Holy Spirit, what in me brings you joy?”


Whatever is on your heart, ask Him!


Take the time to intentionally be intimate with Him, and wait to hear His response.   He will respond. 


When you do, I believe you’re gonna learn at least these (5) essential truths about your identity- 


1.   You are chosen. (1 Peter 2:9-10)

2.   You are alive in Christ- dead to sin. No longer a sinner but instead a saint. (Romans 6:11)

3.   You are a new creation. (2 Cor.5:17)

4.   You are seated in power and authority (Eph. 2:6)

5.   You are a masterpiece! (Eph. 2:10)


When you embrace God's truth that you are chosen and free, you become a new creation seated in power and authority—you know without blushing that you are a priceless work of art that has no comparison! 


This is the power of three- the truth of your triune nature connected to the Triune God. Designed to work in concert where everything we are comes from our intimate relationship with our Creator, who sings over us!  


When we truly understand who we are and to whom we belong and we are networking with the Lord, we will find ourselves in a natural posture of confidence, security, rootedness, and boldness—never questioning that we are a worthy, beloved daughter of the King!


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