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Writer's pictureNoelle LeBlanc

Buffalo Jump- Winning Spiritual Battles With Authority


Today, I've got something kind of crazy to talk about. Some may listen to this and think I've completely gone off the deep end. But I hope you will stick with me and simply hear my story—my testimony.  And decide for yourself.  


Scripture tells us in Revelation 12:11-   “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.”   


Our testimonies have power, and I'm going to be vulnerable today and share with you something that I personally experienced. I am starting to see, learn, and experience real spiritual warfare, and let me tell you something—the battle is real, ya’ll! 


And our enemy?   John 10:10 tells us he is a thief who comes only to steal, kill, and destroy.   A thief that prefers to stay hidden and operates in our ignorance.   That thief is Satan, and he is alive and well-  working overtime in this world and in our lives!    In fact, for believers in Jesus Christ, we are Satan's number one enemy. He hates us simply because God loves us, and the last thing he wants is for us to understand his tactics and understand that we have weapons to fight against him!   


Now, if you've listened to me in the past, you know that I believe very strongly in looking to God's word for truth and clarity, and God's word very clearly talks about Satan and evil spirits. In fact, the New Testament mentions Jesus casting out evil spirits fifty-five times but only describes these events in detail five times- Jesus casts demons out of a man in a synagogue (Mark 1) and two men near tombs (Matthew 8). Jesus also casts demons out of a little girl (Mark 7) and a young boy (Luke 9.)   So, Scripture is clear that evil spirits exist, and they are in our world- not just in Biblical times but now!  


I’ve read all of these stories, and if I'm honest, most of my life, I haven't given much thought or credence to the fact that I would actually encounter evil spirits in my life!    Thinking this type of stuff is reserved only for, I don't know- evil people that do evil things?     But, can I tell you, since moving to Hawaii, I've had my eyes opened like never before.   I've witnessed a demon manifest in a young girl in a movie theater, I've seen one manifest in a good friend, in a family member, and I had an encounter on a neighboring island with a homeless woman who we clearly possessed as she was cursing, and screaming at people as they walked down the street.    My husband and I recognized evil immediately, but because we were unable to cross the street to get away from her, I began to pray. As we got closer to her, she went completely silent, and right as we passed in front of her, she very softly declared "glory," Then, once we had a little distance, she went right back to spewing obscenities. We both believed that evil spirit recognized Jesus in us and acknowledged HIS glory.  


Now, this was just a little taste – a glimpse.  But what happened to me during my last trip to Montana really took me by surprise because I didn't encounter evil through a person, and at first, I didn’t even recognize it.


So, let me take you there. It's Labor Day, and my daughter decides we should go to the First People's Buffalo Jump State Park. It's a hot, sunny day, and she warns me that there will be no shade, but it's an easy hike. To give you a little background on this National Historic Landmark, this is believed to be the largest bison cliff jump in North America.

Native peoples used this site for at least a thousand years before Lewis and Clark passed through. The bison jump site consists of a mile-long sandstone cliff, with up to 18 feet of compacted buffalo remains below the cliff.

For hundreds of years, Native American Indians stampeded buffalo over this mile-long cliff for the sole purpose of killing them for provision. So, we all agreed it would be cool to see it. Little did I know, this park used to be after the  Blackfeet word “Pis’kun,” meaning “deep kettle of blood. “


Oblivious, we set off to explore. I even picked up a brochure that gives information at each interactive stop along the trail.    So, as we hike, I'm reading aloud information about the Indians, the landscape, and their beliefs.   In fact, one spot talked about how the people believed in spirits and how these spirits inhabited the rocks.   Honestly, I didn't give it much thought it was more like a history lesson.  

We finally reached the top. I'm exhausted and burning up, but despite how I'm feeling physically, I take in the stunning view and imagine the herd of buffalo careening towards the cliff face and then plummeting to their deaths. I even imagine the women and children—the celebration afterward and their ceremonial dancing and thanksgiving to their gods.

What's so interesting is what happened afterward. First, my grandson gets violently ill and vomits before we even leave the park.   Of course, we chalk it up to heat exhaustion.    So, we get food and hydration and stay in the air conditioning for the rest of the day.   But, as the afternoon rolls around, I get the worst headache of my life.   To the point, I must excuse myself from company, skip dinner, and spend hours in the bedroom in complete agony in the dark. Not only does my head feel like it's going to implode, but I literally start having crazy thoughts- like I would be better off dead. This is NOT something I've ever thought before, so I knew something was grossly wrong.   So, I do what any intelligent woman would- I call my Go To Girl, and she doesn't answer!!!    Now, I'm desperate and begin to cry.    My husband comes and checks me and prays over me.   Yet, I still feel as though I'm being tortured. At this point, I begin to pray and decide my best recourse is to praise God and play worship music.    As soon as I do- my headache starts to ease, and I find the whole thing curious. It’s at this time, my Go-To Girl calls, and I tell her all about the day and how I'm feeling. She immediately responds that it is a spiritual attack and that I've picked up something in that park that was evil and doesn't belong.    In my innocence of walking around and speaking out loud confessing what took place on that land and what they believed, I was coming into agreement with those practices, and because I carry the light of Christ in me- it was like I had a bullseye on my back.     She asked if I wanted this, and the answer was a resounding NO!    So, we prayed and broke agreement with this spirit, and you know what… as soon as we were done praying, I was perfectly fine!!!   The headache was gone, the nausea lifted, the crazy thoughts vanished and I was left with just peace.    

I am convinced this was a spiritual attack, and I had to admit that morning, I failed to read God's word, I failed to pray, and I left and went into that park with no spiritual armor on!   My mistake was being naïve and initially thinking it was just heat exhaustion.   But after experiencing complete healing from simply being prayed over, I now believe the Lord allowed me to experience this so that I would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are indeed in a battle and the enemy doesn't pull any punches!    His territory is in this world, and he deceives us into thinking he's harmless and not real.    When we experience pain, sickness, struggles, anxiety, fears, depression, and oppression, we excuse it and think it's all physical and never stop and even consider that it could be spiritual! 


Today, I’m hopeful that my testimony will bring enlightenment to you.    There are “doors” (if you will) that expose us to demonic influence. Some may be more obvious than others- like traumatic events, dabbling in the occult (that includes medians, palm readers, horoscopes, and such), it can also be like me- coming into contact with a place or object that's been touched or dedicated to demonic spirits.   But also some other means that many people see as harmless, like horror movies. When we get exposed to these things  and come in contact with darkness, we can experience the results like shame, condemnation, mental torment, physical illnesses, confusion, and agitation with no real understanding as to why! 


I want you to know that we don't have to be afraid, and we don't have to suffer!   If we find ourselves in an unexplainable situation where we see these things manifesting in our lives, we have weapons that we can use to defend ourselves.    To name a few:   speaking truth over ourselves- declaring that we are highly favored and blessed, speaking God's word out loud, rejoicing in who God is and what He has already done- worshipping Him, saying the name of Jesus, and most importantly, praying!     Partnering with someone else to come into agreement with you and pray!! 

I love Psalm 107:28-30- “Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress. He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm, and he guided them to their desired haven.” 

God hears us when we cry out together! 

And Luke 10:19 tells us- Look, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing will ever harm you.”

We have the power to fight the Devil.    We just need to see him clearly, understand his tactics, and understand our vulnerabilities. 


Ladies- There is a reason the Apostle Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God. It's because we are in a constant battle!   If  you've been struggling, experiencing nightmares or night terrors, diagnosed with a terrible condition, or just battling with depression. There's a good chance you are being attacked and influenced by the demonic.  


If that's the case… I want to share a powerful prayer that I learned from Be Still Ministries that can help you to exercise the authority that the Holy Spirit gives.   But before we pray, I want to issue a word of caution- this prayer is only for those we call Jesus their Lord and Savior.   So, with that said, let's take a few minutes to say this prayer together:   

"Dear Jesus, I am recognizing open doors in my life that I now wish to be closed through the dynamic work of the Holy Spirit. Today, I choose to renounce any way that I have knowingly or unknowingly partnered with the enemy’s schemes or agreed with his lies. I command the enemy to leave my mind, body, and atmosphere. I call these spirits “unfamiliar” to my life! I command all doors and access points to my life to be closed and sealed with the blood of Jesus. I pray all of these things in the mighty name of Jesus, my Messiah. Amen”


May you be blessed today and remember that Christ has already won the victory, and we walk in power, love, and a sound mind!  

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