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Buffet Pursuits

Writer's picture: Noelle LeBlancNoelle LeBlanc

Buffets are a weakness for me.

Especially the desserts.

A bounty of delightful decadence in the form of cookies, cakes, pies, eclairs, pudding, and cheesecake. Which will satisfy me and is it possible to have just one?

Truth time- I usually can’t decide on just one. I have to sample because let’s face it… maybe the single one I pick won’t bring me the joy and satisfaction that I was hoping to receive.

Don't we look at life the same way as that dessert buffet? A constant journey to find satisfaction, fulfillment, love, purpose, and joy. Sampling as we go and hoping one day to discover that one thing that provides contentment.

We want our cake and eat it too- we want plenty- we want variety- we want excitement- we want success- WE WANT IT ALL. Our way and on our terms.

Here’s the thing... we don't have to allow lack to dictate and define our lives- we need only ONE thing in this life.

One. Single. Solitary Thing.


With God, we can stop sampling and just be caught up in His arms; enveloped by His holiness, His perfection, and His great love. It is there that true contentment and satisfaction are found.

Did you know that one of the names for God is JEALOUS? God calls Himself- jealous.

“For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” ~Exodus 34:14

This name doesn't mean what we naturally think…. jealous in the negative sense of lacking or wanting something that we don't have. The God of the universe lacks nothing. Instead, jealous in this context means the same as zealous- to have an intense passion for something. Jealousy that reflects God's character as passionately guarding and pursuing His desire.

His desire for US!

The irony is- we wrongly believe that either we aren’t good enough or that God isn’t.

Thus, we replace God with our own pursuits. We prioritize everything else over Him and believe somehow we will find our joy.

I wonder, how many of us call ourselves children of God?

What qualifies you for this title? Are you really part of the family or maybe the black sheep- rebellious and testy and only wanting the family title when it benefits you.

If you do accept this title, I challenge you to honestly ask yourself:

Who is your real idol?

Who has your devotion, passion, desire, love, and energies?

Who gets all your time and attention?

Are there pursuits and distractions in your life that lead you away from God?

Don’t have time for church? No time or desire to read the Bible?

Don’t have time to serve others?

Do you conform to the ideals and passions of this world over God’s intentions?

Do you choose self over God?

God is jealous for me.

He is jealous for you and

He desperately wants us to allow Him first place in our lives.

He wants your FIRST, your BEST, your DEVOTION, your WORSHIP- your ALL. We can’t have a covenant relationship with God, claim to be His child and at the same time refuse His passionate protection and love for us.

I love this quote from Pastor Todd Marlin- “God’s holiness will humble you, but God’s jealousy will come after you.”

May we realize that God is all we need and that endless buffet that we create holds nothing but hollow pursuits.

May we embrace (as true children of God) that WE are His portion and HE is OUR prize…..

All we need in this life is God’s love. Simple. True. Lasting. Satisfaction.

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