I’m not a spontaneous kind’of gal. Doing anything last minute causes me to stress;
in fact, carefree and last minute are not adjectives that anyone who knows me would use to describe me.
That's OK because you see, I’m a planner.
I delight in mulling over things, investigating every possible scenario and planning things out to a tee. It makes me happy and makes me feel like I’m accomplishing something; even if it's only planning a dress-up tea party for my granddaughter.
Checklists make me happy. But for others, they love the spur of the moment, the thrill of the impromptu and the last thing they want to do is make a checklist! Can I get an amen?
Neither is right nor wrong.
That’s what I love about God- he makes us all different and wants us to march to the beat of our own drum.
The key is to know who we are marching alongside and the melody that sets the cadence.
Have you ever been just doing life when suddenly the rug seems to be pulled out from under you? You find yourself feeling alone, and the beautiful song you’ve been marching to has slowly dimmed?
Do you believe you can fix things yourself? Do you think others should step in and serve you? Or maybe, materials things in this world are the answer to your happiness?
So, what do you do? Where do you turn and how to get back to marching through life in your own unique way?
Answer: Draw close to God!
OK- how?
Let’s walk through some actionable steps:
READ the Bible daily (even if it’s just 5 minutes!) You get the chance to draw closer to God when you hear what He has to say to you in His word.
PRAY always and in every situation. This is your opportunity to have a conversation with God but, don’t forget to LISTEN. Heartfelt prayers will get a response.
THINK about what is pure, right and lovely. Guard your thoughts and align them with God’s truths.
PRACTICE gratitude. When depression, doubt, anxiety, impatience, fear, and discontent creep into your heart, purposefully remember how good God has been in your life and give thanks for all He has done. Every day is a gift.
EXERCISE faith. Trust that God is working and has a perfect plan for your life. You might not see the fruits now or have all the answers, but God is never idle.
REMEMBER to whom you belong. Jesus is our good shepherd, he loves you desperately and always wants to have an active role in your life.
And when times get rough, FAST. Yes, you heard me correctly- deprive yourself whether it is sustenance or distraction. Sometimes we need a "reset" to get us back to the correct tune.
When we learn that God is the answer to absolutely everything, that He alone is the one that designed us and knows exactly how to reach us and satisfy our unique needs. It is then that we can confidently march to our distinctive drum because we have the maestro by our side setting just the right cadence!
We just have to be close enough to feel His presence and hear the beat!

Father, thank you for creating us in your image and for knowing exactly what we need in this life. When things become hard may we recognize our distance from you and take the steps necessary to draw near. It is in proximity to you that we find healing, strength, direction, courage and purpose. May we always march confidently to the unique beat you have given to each of us.
“Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” ~ James 4:8