His name was Chester and after my encounter with him I renamed him “Chester the Molester (CTM for short).”
I met CTM when I was 19 years old. I was far away from home in a remote part of Alaska and found myself in a position of vulnerability with limited options. I needed a safe place to live, and like a tiny bird with undeveloped wings, the predator thought I was easy prey.
The #Metoo movement stirs memories of this encounter- the imprint of CTM that I’d rather leave buried and unspoken.
But that’s the problem- for years women have left these encounters unspoken; as though WE did something wrong and thus remain silent.
No more.
There is a cultural reckoning in the making, and the voices of millions of women are finally being heard- loud and clear.
I say, "Bravo to the brave that are speaking out and bravo to those that support them!"
May we not try to stifle or mute them.
May we not try to excuse, ignore or justify corrupt behavior.
There is never a situation that justifies women being oppressed, assaulted, harassed, demeaned, disrespected, dishonored, mistreated or preyed upon.
Women are not inferior objects to be toyed with for sexual pleasure or egotistical pride.
There is no place for this type of mindset; especially in those that claim to follow Christ.
The apostle Paul wrote these instructions to a church leader named Timothy: “Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters.” ~ 1 Timothy 5:2
So, if men are called to treat women with purity and respect how do we find ourselves in a world where millions of women are mistreated and marginalized?
The only answer I can resolve is that we live in a broken world filled with broken people. Therefore, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when women are preyed upon as disadvantaged.
But, what I want to say to the women (like me) who have been preyed upon…
“Be strong and be brave. Don’t be afraid of those people because the Lord your God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:6
It is in the disadvantaged state that we can find strength- we can rise above our oppressors and remove the false label of victim. When we set ourselves outside of our constraints we become powerful- we become what God intended… champions that cannot be restrained to the feeble boundaries of this tainted world.
We are powerful daughters and princesses of the highest God, and no man can take that away! We just have to trust and believe in our heritage!
And what I say to the weak men of this world….
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” ~Genesis 50:20

Father, thank you that you created men and women in your image. You built into us beauty, grace, strength and wisdom. Women are unique creations that deserve honor and respect. May you heal wounds, open hearts to your truth and bring about a cultural revolution where women are viewed and treated as you intended.
“In God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?” ~ Psalm 56:11