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Writer's picture: Noelle LeBlancNoelle LeBlanc

Have you ever considered that you aren't random? Meaning you do not exist simply to exist and take up space in this crazy world.

You aren't arbitrary because you are a DELIBERATELY DESIGNED MASTERPIECE created for a specific purpose.

Seems overwhelming to ponder that God thought us up in advance and then designed us to fulfill a particular purpose. An elaborate design that involves distinctive strengths, talents, weaknesses, personality traits, environment, and even life experiences; ALL fashioned for us to live out and fulfill God’s ultimate intention for our existence.

We are an original design that was made for an original purpose-- made for a mission.

“For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” ~Ephesians 2:10

What happens when we either don’t understand this truth or we haven’t been living it?

The answer- we spend our lives wandering through life in constant search mode; nothing ever wholly satisfies, and we struggle to find lasting happiness and purpose.

We see it play out in choosing careers and relationships that never fulfill. Pursuing money and material things that never bring lasting contentment or lives that are overflowing with frustration, bitterness, and unhappiness.

Have you ever asked yourself any of the below questions?

"Is this all life has to offer?"

"Am I making a significant difference in this world?"

“Why does it seem like nothing ever works out for me?”

“Will I ever find lasting happiness?”

If yes, then chances are you aren't fulfilling God's original design for your life.

The good news is God never gives up on His original plans and it is never too late to discover and live out your purpose!

I recently heard a great analogy related to life's purpose-

Life is like a car.

Imagine a car that is a one-of-a-kind model; designed by the top car manufacturer with unparalleled function, beauty, and worth.

Now imagine, the car is given to you to do with as you please.

Over time, one of three things happen:

1. You don't appreciate the value of the car for its full potential. Its purpose is forgotten, and through choices and circumstances it becomes a pitiful rusty shell in desperate need of restoration.

2. You value the car but utilize it for the wrong purpose. It is a cherished possession that is kept in tip-top shape, but only used for selfish endeavors-- it becomes a shallow representation of worth and success that never delivers lasting contentment. It ends up a self-serving machine that needs redirection; or

3. You see the car for the unique gift that it is- that it is to be treasured and utilized for its intended purpose. You realize the car is one-of-kind, but is on loan for a brief period. You appreciate that it shouldn't be taken for granted, neglected or used in the wrong way. You also recognize that it comes with an owner's manual and an auto-pilot feature.

The question is- are you using the car for its intended purpose AND have you been able to fully release control, turning the auto-pilot on, trusting that God will direct the car and always lead you on the right road? Even when it's bumpy or the destination doesn't make much sense?

What does your car look like or the better question, are you living out God's original design for your life?

Do you need restoration?

Is your life a hot mess? Do you have emotional, relationship, work, health, or marriage issues that need to be repaired and restored back to its original design?

Do you need redirection?

Do you need to find your purpose and start living out God's dream? To start seeing and believing there is a real mission for your life and start pursuing a new direction?

Or do you just need to release?

Do you need to trust that God has a plan and purpose for your life and that He will never lead you down the wrong road? To investigate your purpose and have confidence that God has a mission for you, will equip you in every way and steer your path straight.

I love that God is in the restoration business.

When you give Him the title to your car He can restore, rebuild and renew it back to its intended design.

When you give Him the keys to your car and release control, He can take you on the best adventure of your life. An adventure that leads you along the road to fulfilling your predesigned purpose!

God never forces, He gives choices.

The choice is ultimately yours! What does your car look like, where are you going and who is in the driver's seat?

Father, thank you that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. That you considered us so much that you designed and planned a purpose for our lives. May we embrace that original design and seek you for restoration, renewal, and redirection. Assist us Lord with discovering our purpose and releasing control to you in every area of our lives.

Ephesians 3:20- “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

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