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A wise man once said...


"There is a time for all things under the sun."


So, there is a time to be heard- to evolve- to grow- to mature.    The time is NOW!   


I began this blog back in 2016 and published weekly writings without interruption for 3 years, 3 months and 23 days!   When I finally took a hiatus I wrote sporadically from there.    Now, I believe I'm being called to "level up" and move my "writings" into voice mode and have thus, started a weekly podcast- "Gigi In Hawaii- The Tiny Spark Erupts!" 


The Tiny Spark has indeed erupted and I pray God's light will glow like never before!  


I hope that you will continue with me on this journey & will tune in each Friday to receive a message of hope where we will explore how we can rise to our fullest potential and walk in the knowledge of truth where shame fades away, fear diminishes, and boldness emerges, rendering lives that freely thrive & shine!   


JOIN ME-   Podcast- Web, Apple Podcast, & Spotify Icons shown at the top of this page!   




NOTE:  You will discover this podcast is geared towards women, but I believe it can be a valuable tool of insight to men as well!    But, only those brave enough will accept the challenge! 


May you be blessed, Noelle (Gigi in Hawai'i)


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